Future Plans and Searching

Google — Year In Search 2021


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God already gave His plan for us, today, this afternoon, tonight and even this coming year. All we have to do is Pray and ask His guidance for the Path that He has created for us.

Thy will be done.

New Year may it be happy for you, EMO or anything…

Be Glad! You’re still up! and ready for the surprises that may come.

Rejoice for those struggles that you’ve overcome.

Smile for those tears that flows all throughout the year.

and Share those accomplishments and failures for encouragements and motivation to others.

Question is…

Are You Still Searching for Answers?

In a year that continued to test many, the world searched “how to heal” more than ever. Whether they’re taking care of mental health, honoring a loved one, or reuniting with family, people are finding ways to come back stronger than before. Explore more trends from the year at https://yearinsearch.google.

updated December 15, 2021